Using Bacula to archive data.
I hate tape!
Ever since those early days working as an operator, my least favourite job was changing the daily backup tape. Oh sure, if your company has loads of cash you could shell out for an autochanger, but none of the organisations I worked for were ever prepared to pony up the dosh for one of those when they had a tape-monkey to do it for them!
With the cost per GB of storage dropping, backup up to disk was more of a reality and in looking around for something that could (a) Backup to disk (b) across the network and (c) was automated, I discovered “Bacula”.
So out comes the Ubuntu 10.04 server install disk and away we go…
The neat thing with bacula is that there are a many different scenarios you can cater for. I’m not a Bacula master, nor do I profess to know all the ins-and-outs of its configuration files. No. I started this with a plan, a plan to meet a requirement… so the configuration detailed below is what worked for me, to meet my needs. Its online more as a journal (so I can refer back to it if I ever need to rebuild it) than a claimed definitive HOWTO!!
The “so called” plan is build a Bacula server than will backup remote clients, initially to storage local to the server, but later pointing it to my FreeNAS server.
In this “journal” I’ll follow the following steps/stages:
- Stage One– Configuring the Bacula server
- Install and configure Bacula without using “localhost”.
- Stage Two– Backup local files to localstorage.
- Stage Three– Backup remote files to local storage.
- Install and configure Bacula file daemon on remote machine.
- Backup remote files to local storage.
- Stage Four– Backup remote files to remote storage.
- TBA: Install and configure Bacula storage daemon on remote machine.
- TBA: Backup remote files to remote storage.
The Bacula Home Page contains the latest Bacula news and developments, or for more Bacula configuration options refer to the Bacula User’s Manual
Base Install
The base install of Ubuntu server 10.04 took about 30mins, with standard configuration and stopping “network auto-discovery” to declare a static IP. Once the install was completed I checked for any updates…
sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
First we install MySQL which will be the database engine used to store the catalog information.
sudo aptitude install mysql-client mysql-server
During the install you will be prompted for a password for the MySQL “root” user.
Add SSH server to allow telnet remote access.
sudo aptitude install openssh-server
Next we install Apache web server which will be used by “BWeb” for remote administration (see later sections).
sudo aptitude install apache2
Last but not least… Bacula.
sudo aptitude install bacula
“Postfix” will be installed as one of the packages and you will be asked to select a configuration type. I just selected “Local only” and left the server name as the hostname of the machine. Next you will be asked to “Configure database for bacula-director-mysql with dbconfig-common” – select “Yes” then supply credentials for the database administrator followed by a new password for the bacula database user. The “database administrator” will need to have the appropriate rights to create a database.
Stage One: Configuring the Bacula server
Bacula configuration files are formatted based on resources comprising of directives surrounded by “{}” braces. Each Bacula component has an individual file in the /etc/bacula directory.
The various Bacula components must authorize themselves to each other. This is accomplished using the password directive. For example, the Storage resource password in the /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf file must match the Director resource password in /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf.
The Console can be used to query the Director about jobs, but to use the Console with a non-root user, the user needs to be in the bacula group. To add a user to the bacula group enter the following from a terminal:
sudo adduser username bacula
Log out then back in to make the change effective. As mentioned in the previous section, I’m going to backup my data to local storage so I need to create a location for the “file media“. While we’re at it I’ll also create a directory where files can be restored to.
sudo mkdir -m 770 /var/lib/archive sudo mkdir -m 770 /var/lib/archive/backup sudo mkdir -m 770 /var/lib/archive/restore sudo chown -R bacula:bacula /var/lib/archive
Everything in Bacula is about using IP addresses or resolvable addresses. But despite my hostnames being resolvable by DNS I still had to make sure there was an entry in the hosts file for this machine before it would work. If you’ve defined a static IP address, this will have been done automatically during the OS install.
Configuring the File Daemon (bacula-fd.conf)
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf
In the FileDaemon {} block change
FileDaemon { FDAddress = }
Restart the bacula file daemon for the changes to take effect
sudo /etc/init.d/bacula-fd restart
Configuring the Storage Daemon (bacula-sd.conf)
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf
In the Storage {} block change
Storage { SDAddress = }
In the Device {} block for “FileStorage” change
Device { Name = FileStorage Archive Device = /var/lib/archive/backup }
Restart the bacula storage daemon for the changes to take effect
sudo /etc/init.d/bacula-sd restart
Configuring the Director (bacula-dir.conf)
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
In the Director {} block change
Director { DirAddress = }
In the Client {} block change
Client { Name = hostname-fd Address = }
In the Storage {} block change
Storage { Address = }
In the RestoreFiles » Job {} block change
Job { Name = "RestoreFiles" Where = /var/lib/archive/restore }
In the Catalog {} block add
Catalog { Name = MyCatalog dbname = bacula; DB Address = "localhost"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = "baculaPASSWORD" }
I don’t think this is a “requirement” but I changed it for the sake of “consistancy” and “completeness”.
Restart the bacula director for the changes to take effect
sudo /etc/init.d/bacula-director restart
Using Bconsole
I have to create the media for the backup jobs to use now. For that we use bconsole
bconsole Connecting to Director 1000 OK: hostname-dir Version: 5.0.1 (24 February 2010) Enter a period to cancel a command. *
Automatically create the media and label it with the following command
* label Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog Using Catalog "MyCatalog" Automatically selected Storage: File Enter new Volume name:
Enter a meaningfull name for this “File” based media. I call mine “File-Repositoryxxx” where xxx increments 001,002,003… Select a relevant pool to make this media available in (I select “File“). If the permissions on our /var/lib/archive/ directories and the storage daemon are configured correctly, you should see…
Connecting to Storage daemon File at ... Sending label command for Volume "File-Repository001" Slot 0 ... 3000 OK label. VolBytes=202 DVD=0 Volume="File-Repository001" Device="FileStorage" (/var/lib/archive/backup) Catalog record for Volume "File-Repository001", Slot 0 successfully created. Requesting to mount FileStorage ... 3906 File device "FileStorage" (/var/lib/archive/backup) is always mounted.
This has now created a volume that will store a maximum of 50GB, as defined in the Pool {} section for File in the bacula-dir.conf
You can check the status of the various components with the status command. To check the status of the director and defined jobs type
* status director
If you’re unsure of a command, you can list them all by typing
* help
For help on a specific command, type help followed by the command name i.e.
* help status * help list
Stage Two: Backup local files to local storage
In Bacula, the backup jobs are defined in the bacula-dir.conf file in the Job {} blocks. Normally (and for flexability) each job is defined with reference to a Fileset {}, Schedule {}, and Storage {} subset. Common elements can be included in the JobDefs {} subset and can be referenced in each job to avoid repitition and to save on scripting.
We’ll create a simple job to backup the /etc directory (including sub-directories) but ultimately it’s up to you how you’ll configure your jobs.
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
Check what is already defined for JobDefs {}. It shoudl look something like this:
JobDefs {
Name = "DefaultJob"
Type = Backup
Level = Incremental
Client = hostname-fd
FileSet = "Full Set"
Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
Storage = File
Messages = Standard
Pool = File
Priority = 10
Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/%c.bsr"
Any entries duplicated in the Job { } section, take precedence over ones already defined in the JobDefs { } section.
Next step is to create a new backup job entry.
Job {
Name = "LocalConfigBackup"
JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
Type = Backup
Level = Full
Storage = File
Client = hostname-fd
FileSet = "LocalConfigFiles"
Schedule = "DailyBackup"
Notes on the Job {} definition:
- Name – defines the name of this particular job.
- JobDefs – tells the job to load a particular set of default definitions called “DefaultJob“.
- Type – tells the director it is a backup job.
- Level – tells the director it should back *everything* up, not just files that have changed.
- Storage – tells the director to use the storage defined in the Storage {} section as “File” (this in turn is referenced in the bacula-sd.conf file – in our case the local storage daemon)
- Client – tells the director to use the client defined as “hostname-fd”, which in our case is the local machine (or more specifically, the local file daemon).
- FileSet – tells the director to backup the files defined in the FileSet {} section named “LocalConfigFiles“.
- Schedule – tells the director when to backup the files using values defined in the Schedule {} section named “DailyBackup“.
Now we can create a FileSet {} (referenced in the Job {} above). Filesets are handy and can be used by multiple jobs. An example might be backing up the same files, but off multiple different clients.
FileSet {
Name = "LocalConfigFiles"
Include {
Options {
signature = MD5
File = /etc
This FileSet will backup the /etc directory. The Options resource directives configure the FileSet to create a MD5 signature for each file backed up, and to compress the files using GZIP.
Next, create a new Schedule for the backup job:
Schedule {
Name = "DailyBackup"
Run = Full daily at 06:00
The job will run every day at 06:00 or 6:00 am. There are many other scheduling options available. Now lets run bconsole
* run
The select the number that corresponds to the job you just created. When prompted with “OK to run?” answer Y and press enter. You should then see…
Job queued. JobId=2 *
It shouldn’t take very long for this job to complete (a few seconds depending on the speed of your machine). If you check the status of the director you should then see your job, with the JobId in the Terminated jobs: section
* status director hostname-dir Version: 5.0.1 (24 February 2010) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 10.04 Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name ==================================================================== 2 Full 1,284 590.0 K OK 04-Nov-10 13:40 LocalConfigBackup
Congratulations! You have successfully used Bacula to backup files locally!! Now move onto the next section to backup files across the network.
Stage Three: Backup remote files to local storage.
Probably one of the most helpfull images in the Bacula documentation was this one, included below. It was really handy in helping to understand the relationship between the various components, particularly the remote ones!
The File-Daemon on the remote machine
Because of the various “distros” I’ll assume at this point that you’ve installed the bacula-fd daemon on the client you intend to backup. Start by opening up the bacula-fd.conf file on the remote machine and make a few changes.
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf Director { Name = hostname-dir # this is the name of the director Password = "aUniquePASSWORDofYourChoiceforFD" } FileDaemon { Name = FDName-fd FDport = 9102 WorkingDirectory = /var/lib/bacula Pid Directory = /var/run/bacula Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 FDAddress = }
Restart the daemon for the changes to become effective. In some cases it may not be started already and you may even need to edit init scripts to ensure it starts on boot (CentOS and FreeBSD I’m looking at you!)
sudo /etc/init.d/bacula-fd restart
Now head back over to the machine running the director and edit…
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
and add an entry for the client you’ve just created.
Client {
Name = FDName-fd
Address =
FDPort = 9102
Catalog = MyCatalog
Password = "aUniquePASSWORDofYourChoiceforFD"
File Retention = 30 days
Job Retention = 6 months
AutoPrune = yes
You can also create a Job, Fileset and Schedule as detailed in the previous section and then restart the director for the changes to take effect.
sudo /etc/init.d/bacula-director restart
Be aware of firewalls running on any machines that run the client, as they may block traffic and stop communication between the Director and FileDaemon.
You can check communication between the Director and FileDaemon using bconsole
* status client
then select the appropriate client from the list. If you’ve created a Job, Fileset etc… you can perform an estimate on the backup Job…
* estimate
then select the appropriate remote job from the list. You should get a response similar to…
2000 OK estimate files=2678 bytes=109,647,535
Notes on installing bacula-fd on CentOS 5
My VoIP server uses CentOS as its Linux distro, and it would be handy to back the config files and voicemail messages. By default, none of the YUM repositories (package manager for CentOS) have a copy of bacula, so you have to add one that does… EPEL. There was reference online to RPMForge, but once installed I couldn’t find a copy of bacula on it. This site has a great post on how to enable the EPEL repository, otherwise…
rpm -Uvh
will create the relevant repository entries in /etc/yum.repos.d/. Then download and install the bacula-client…
yum install bacula-client
All you have to do is configure the FileDaemon as detailed above. I used chkconfig to get it to start at boot.
chkconfig --level 345 bacula-fd on
Stage Four: Backup remote (or local) files to remote storage
Notes on installing bacula-sd on FreeBSD 7.1
To install the storage daemon add the repository…
setenv PACKAGESITE pkg_add -r bacula-server cd /usr/local/lib ln -s cp bacula-sd.conf.sample bacula-sd.conf vi bacula-sd.conf
Start the storage daemon service
/usr/local/sbin/bacula-sd -c /usr/local/etc/bacula-sd.conf
Because this server is actually running FreeNAS server, use the web interface to add the above command into the System|Advanced|Command scripts section.
Installing Bweb
Bweb is a perl based web program that provides a tool to perform basic operations and to get statistics. It obtains its information from your catalog database and the bconsole program. In this section the assumption is that you already have a working Bacula server, Apache server and MySQL.
First, we install some pre-requisite libraries.
sudo apt-get install -y libgdchart-gd2-xpm* make php-pear preload sudo apt-get install -y libgd-graph-perl libhtml-template-perl libexpect-perl sudo apt-get install -y libdbd-mysql-perl libdbd-pg-perl libdbi-perl libtime-modules-perl sudo apt-get install -y libdate-calc-perl sudo pear install db
You may get a warning at this stage that “DB” is depreciated in favour of “MDB2“. Since MDB2 is newer it’s probably better, but DB works fine for me – as part of the cleanup, if I find there is a major difference, I’ll note it here and alter my notes.
Now we download the bweb which is in the latest Bacula package. At the time of writing this, the latest version was 5.0.3, but you can check here and alter the instructions as required.
Now extract the files, compile the source and install some of the files to thier relevant locations
tar -zxvf bacula-gui-5.0.3.tar.gz cd bacula-gui-5.0.3/bweb sudo perl Makefile.PL sudo make install sudo pear channel-update sudo mkdir -m 755 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bweb sudo install -m 755 -o root -g root cgi/*.pl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bweb
Next, some authority changes, template copying and installing the HTML files
sudo chown root:bacula /etc/bacula
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bweb.conf
$VAR1 = { template_dir => "/usr/share/bweb/tpl" };
sudo chown root:www-data /etc/bacula/bweb.conf
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/bweb/tpl/en
sudo install -m 644 -o root -g root bweb/lang/en/tpl/*.tpl /usr/share/bweb/tpl/en
sudo mkdir /var/www/bweb
sudo install -m 644 -o root -g root bweb/html/*.{js,png,css,gif,ico,html} /var/www/bweb
sudo chmod 666 /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf
The Ext JS JavaScript library is needed for the “Web Restore” functionality to work properly. It’s probably writtern somewhere, but it didn’t leap out at me… it was Firebug that helped me to discover what was missing. The latest version at the time of publication was 3.3.0. First (in case you don’t have it already) install unzip.
sudo aptitide install -y unzip
Then we get the Ext JS package from the Ext JS CDN.
sudo wget
Then install the files in the bweb folder
sudo unzip sudo mkdir -m 755 /var/www/bweb/ext sudo cp -r ext-3.3.0/. /var/www/bweb/ext
A few more changes to enable the web restore functionality of bweb…
sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Alias /bweb/fv /var/spool/bweb <Directory "/var/spool/bweb"> Options None AllowOverride AuthConfig Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> sudo mkdir /var/spool/bweb sudo chmod 700 /var/spool/bweb sudo chown www-data /var/spool/bweb
then there are a number of changes to the database structure to support bweb that need to be made. You can import the commands from the bweb-mysql.sql file located in bacula-gui-5.0.3/bweb/script, but because I wasn’t sure of the results I just “cut-and-pasted” section by section using multiple SSH sessions, one running MySQL the other with the bacula-gui-5.0.3/bweb/script/bweb-mysql.sql file open, checking the results after each command.
To import it directly into the bacula database use
mysql -u root -p bacula
mysql> SOURCE path to files/bacula-gui-5.0.3/bweb/script/bweb-mysql.sql;
Next we must give the www-data (apache) user permission to execute the bconsole.
The locations highlighted in red below may differ on other Linux distributions… BE AWARE – and substitute as required!
cd /etc sudo visudo
After the line root ALL=(ALL) ALL we add this…
www-data ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bacula-console www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer transfer * www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer status www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer load * www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer unload *
You then Ctrl-X to exit, then when it warns you that the buffers have changed, answer “Y” and then change the file name from sudoers.tmp to sudoers. Answer “Y” to overwrite.
Now we go back to the bweb.conf file to make some final changes
sudo vi /etc/bacula/bweb.conf
$VAR1 = bless( {
'graph_font' => '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf',
'name' => undef,
'config_file' => '/etc/bacula/bweb.conf',
'bconsole' => '/usr/sbin/bacula-console -n -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf',
'ach_list' => {
'S1_L80' => bless( {
'info' => {
'drive' => 0,
'io' => 0,
'slot' => 0
'name' => 'S1_L80',
'bweb' => undef,
'device' => '/dev/changer',
'drive' => [],
'debug' => 0,
'label' => {},
'precmd' => 'sudo',
'io' => [],
'mtxcmd' => '/usr/sbin/mtx',
'drive_name' => [
'slot' => []
}, 'Bweb::Autochanger' )
'dbi' => 'DBI:mysql:database=bacula',
'user' => 'bacula',
'password' => 'baculaPASSWORD',
'fv_write_path' => '/var/spool/bweb',
'template_dir' => '/usr/share/bweb/tpl',
'lang' => 'en',
'error' => '',
'debug' => 0,
'email_media' => ''
}, 'Bweb::Config' );
Last of all, restart the server for the changes to take effect…
sudo shutdown -r now
If everything has been configured properly, you should be able to start your web browser and go to and see the bweb interface with information on your backup jobs, media, etc..
While BWEB was tested – and worked – with both IE (8) and Firefox (3.6.13), the “Web Restore” component only seemed to function with Firefox. When selected from IE nothing seemed to happen, and no data displayed within the browser window. Since Firefox is my browser of choice I hadn’t put too much effort into investigating why this is, and did… well… nothing! If I do find out, or happen upon a reason I’ll note my findings here.
MILESTONE 24/12/2010:
I had a user delete all the messages from their “Sent” folder and I had to use BWEB to do a restore – It was SO COOL! I had some trepidation over how the restore would work thinking that the Bacula File Daemon would only allow one-way traffic and I would have to restore to a local destination and copy the files to their original location (and all the file permission changes that would ensue).
BUT… Bacula (specifically via BWEB’s “Web Restore” function) allowed a restore to the original location with prompting to overwrite if required!! HOORAY!! I love you Bacula, you’ve made my Christmas…